Think back to 2006, the year that Twitter launched. The platforms’ sole purpose:  a text-only outlet where you could share quick 140-character thoughts with your friends and the public.

And to think of Twitter now, still one of the largest social media platforms. A place where people log on to rant, debate, share their musings, talk politics, and laugh at memes (some things never change).

But to answer the question at hand, is Twitter dead for brand marketing?

No, it’s not, it’s very much alive, but you should reconsider how you’re using the platform.

It is wrong to assume that all social media platforms are the same; what works for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn doesn’t always work on Twitter. Not only is Twitter largely reactive and topical, it’s also incredibly fast-paced.

Being, arguably, the most interactive platform, you can generate a huge number of engagements for your brand. A viral tweet = free advertising. Here are some ideas on how you can achieve this:

Focussing on being reactive over having most creative and aesthetic content is key. This also goes for using the platform as a URL dumping ground, posting blog link after blog link will not lead to increased engagements or a genuine relationship with your following.

Choosing the correct tone and voice for your brand on Twitter is essential. Your brand’s voice is its personality, do you want to be seen as funny, satirical, corporate, friendly? Your brands tone is the way you apply your voice in response to different situations. For example, if you’re choosing to be funny, most of your tweets will be, but that’s not say you can’t switch to a more serious tone when announcing a product or commenting on a sensitive topic.

Using it for community management will always be important. People like to moan on Twitter, and sadly it can be a hotbed of negative comments. Learn to navigate these, responding well to complaints in public can work wonders for your brands’ name by showing you care and are willing to listen to your audience.

Think about being controversial. Interact with your competitors (otherwise known as ‘brandter’), be funny and don’t take your online presence too seriously.

Here are some of our top moments from brands that are acing it on Twitter 👇

Weetabix and Heinz, generating a lot of controversies and ‘brandter’, this is an example of first-class viral content that successfully spread across all platforms. We love to see it.

Tesco showing they’re an ally with this reactive Tweet, an example of having a meaningful conversation with their audience, showing they care.

Wendy’s whole account, true meme royalty. They are a great example of having a bit of fun with trending topics whilst sticking to their brand voice. Genuinely hilarious, quality content. Just look at their engagements!

Although Netflix’s account isn’t all jokes and can be pretty traditional at times, they never miss a beat when it comes to trending topics. Seamlessly creating brand relevant memes and nailing the reactive content, they are hitting their millennial audience in the sweet spot.

Although Twitter can work for some brands, it doesn’t mean it’s the best platform for your brand. Your target audience might not be the kind of people who want to start debates or tap into trends. Sometimes this kind of ‘millennial humour’ just won’t fly with your audience, and that’s fine. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use Twitter at all; it is still a valuable customer service channel and a good place to share relevant industry news.

However, if your brand is not afraid to take risks or take their presence too seriously, it’s worth learning to tweet like a pro. If done right, you can separate yourself from boring competitors whilst demonstrating that you are a trusted brand who listens to its audience.

To conclude, no, Twitter is not dead. Give it a go, figure out what works best for your brand and you might be pleasantly surprised…